learning to trust ourselves

New Blog

Tempo is Temporary

One of many exciting things that happened recently in Brave Space was that we all learned a new saying from Melinda Hall: "Tempo is Temporary!" And I love it!

For those of us who think of creativity as a kind of birthing process, sometimes it can be hard to manage a process that is very slow or to trust a process that is happening fast. It's hard to just go with whatever is, but that is one of the things that "Tempo is Temporary" does for us - allows us to realize that this too will pass... And hopefully that will get us back on track.

If you can reframe what frustrates you in your process, call it fleeting or impermanent, you won't have to suffer with the idea of feeling stuck. Quickly that can become: you, pushing a heavy load, trying too hard to manage a tough problem. Reframing you can say, "tempo is temporary," and this allows for change.

If you are still feeling stuck, please come to Brave Space where the unsticking happens!

Emma Goldman-ShermanComment