learning to trust ourselves

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Hermione's Purse

Sometimes you have a concept for what you think you want to do, but it's so big (and maybe scary) that even though you live with this dream, you aren't doing anything about it. Or if you are, you do it sporadically because it's not really coming together yet. Maybe you wonder if it ever will. Maybe you think it hasn't come together because it's not really a good idea?

Well, you're wrong. It is a great idea. The universe doesn't hand out bad ideas! But you might be living with a lot of fear around the idea you’ve been given. Brave Space is a really good way to get past that fear. Being in Brave Space is like being able to stick your hand into Hermione's purse and pull out anything you need!

How? Each week in Brave Space you get a prompt. A Brave Space prompt includes a warm-up and craft tools and elements along with questions to prompt you to remember all the vast amounts of wisdom inside you that you may not have previously connected with or even noticed (like access to Hermione’s purse). Brave Space gives you concrete ways to engage with your big idea.

One way to do this is to ground into the senses. Try to explore your concept at the level of the senses: seeing/smelling/tasting/hearing/touching, and see what happens. How does your big idea function in terms of actual sensory data? How does the reader or audience enter the world, through which senses? Can you list how the senses could be engaged in your idea?

Of course there are more than 5 senses. And the truth is that in addition to Hermione’s purse, you also get me live with chat support if the prompts aren’t enough. If you want access to my greater list of sensory elements, come to Brave Space!

Emma Goldman-ShermanComment