About The Inner Critic Class + a Prompt!
We all have an Inner Critic. Because our brains don't develop fully until we're 25, our Inner Critic shows up pretty early (when we're little) to protect us. Of course anything developed at such an early age is bound to get a few things wrong, so the class I’m teaching helps us develop a new relationship with our Inner Critic. We can actually update our Inner Critic from a place of curiosity.
If you're thinking you could never be curious about such a difficult bully, you may want to check out some self-compassion practices I'm always talking about. Self-compassion helps to balance out the loud voice of the Inner Critic. So before we try to get to know our Inner Critic, we do a compassion exercise. I've written about these before and provided links here https://www.bravespace.online/new-blog/inner-critic-work
If you're interested in participating in an Inner Critic Class, send me an email. When I have 5-6 people, I'll offer a class.
Here's a prompt in case you're in need of one: choose to free-write around the particular news item that is driving you crazy these days. Zero in on the specific ways you feel when you receive information about this. (You can quote it if you want.) Go through each of your senses responding to this particular bit of news in larger/faster/smaller/slower ways. Work on changing the size and speed of your response however you choose until the centrifugal force of your writing pinning you to the subject, as on a Tilt-A-Whirl, peters out, and you can peel yourself off the wall of it and walk away.
Come to Brave Space and write with me!