Why Brave Space?
Dear Brave Writers: I created Brave Space because so many people called me brave after I created FUKT which is an autobiographical play about traumatic memories that returned to me after giving birth to my son back when I was 38. (I turn 55 in August.) I have made it part of my mission to help women get our words into the world with support, hence Brave Space.
I was about to open the show (as a workshop for 8 performances at NCTC in NYC) when Covid happened. FUKT was recently named a finalist at BAPF and was a finalist at Unicorn the year prior. It is an unusual show that I wrote as a response to the events of October 2017 when women started to tell, and I felt the need to respond to that directly.
FUKT is an oddly uplifting personal tale of traumatic memory, incest, murder & private parts! With zombies, a striptease and song, this immersive, fearless journey to bare all is a healing balm for anyone with a secret. FUKT is about how three fragmented aspects of a traumatized person come together to heal.
The cast has been very patient waiting for theatres to reopen, but we don't know when that will be, and this is quite a non-traditional show, and who knows when (if ever) any theatres will take a chance on it. When I was given the opportunity to do a reading at the Dramatists Guild, I decided that even though Zoom is not a great platform for a performance of FUKT, I would like to at least have the play read there to keep it out there, to give the actors some time to play with it again, and to remind the world that it exists and isn't going away.
If you'd like to see this reading for Free, it will take place Friday, September 11th at 730pm EST, and here is the link to register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nyc-online-friday-night-footlights-tickets-117800202577?aff=erelpanelorg
There are limited seats, and it's first come first served. If you decide not to attend, please let me know so I can put your seat back into circulation.