Writing is Power
Writing is Power. We talk a lot in Brave Space about the canon of white male writing that can hang over us all like a giant SHOULD casting a pall on whatever we want to do. I say, kick that to the curb!
I say, life post-Covid (for there will be a post-Covid) must allow for each person to make their own work from their own visions, dreams and intentions.
We are seeing a great de-colonizing. From the deaths or retirements of several old white men who reviewed shows and books to a brand new world where criticism is at the dawn of considering who is doing the writing and for whom. Writing is becoming its own thing with its own internal rules and structure.
The take-away: run with the story, run with the characters, go each and every direction with all your impulses and when you come to the end (and you will) the work will show you what the structure needs to be. Trust yourself.
If you are writing at home on your own, please set an end time for each writing session. No one just writes forever, all day. That's setting yourself up for doubt and failure. Set a timer. Do the writing. If you go over by five minutes or so, fine. But please don't go beyond. Celebrate the wins! Enjoy the dopamine! Live to write again!