learning to trust ourselves

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What Happens in Brave Space

Dear Brave Writers:, Some of you come regularly; some of you come when you can; and some of you wonder, what happens in Brave Space? Should I be doing this? Is it worth my time? 

I can't answer the should - what should anyone be doing these days? But I can tell you a bit about what happens in Brave Space. 

We start with an embodiment practice. Becoming aware of and alive within our bodies, we  might start with a foot massage or a neck massage or a simple movement influenced by my teacher, Irene Fornes. 

By the time we start writing, we are embodied and breathing and aware of ourselves as channels for the universe, for all the wisdom we can access, and we don't start from nothing - we begin with support from the prompts, from the chat, from the faces in the tiles, and from the earth itself in which we ground. 

I can't say what happens inside each of us, but we struggle, we reach, we stretch, and we grow. And we write. We get words onto pages. We make meaning. 

Brave Space is a way to make meaning out of the mess of every day's existence. Especially now. Is it worth your time? You tell me. 

Emma Goldman-ShermanComment