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Creativity Hacks for Unsticking Yourself

We all know that creativity includes being able to combine different things in new ways, but are you using this to your own benefit? When you are stuck in a scene is this a technique that you go to? How can you use this creativity hack to unstick yourself?

Identify what the scene is about and find something in the world of the scene or the world at large today that is the opposite (or different) from your theme. So if you're stuck on a scene where a parent needs to have a talk with a child about something hard, what happens if you add ice cream (something soft and sweet)?

If you are having trouble with a character not wanting to go where you want them to go, or do what you want them to do, and you can't find the next moment/action, try to identify a character trait in the character that is the opposite of what you think will help them, something hidden about them, something they haven't yet shown you. If your character has an inner conflict, can you let the other side of the conflict do the heavy lifting for a change?

If you are working on your art - whatever it is - in a smooth way, what if you add a rough or jagged element? If you are creating something small and tight, what happens when you introduce something huge and wild? How can you change the scale or the temperature or the pacing to create more energy and pull us in?

What are you trying to do? What is calling to you? Let Brave Space be a part of your process! Brave Space is a great way to unstick yourself and get back to creating in flow!

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